M2N-E Problem
(too old to reply)
18 years ago
My M2N-E won't power on not sure if it is the PSU or the board but suspect
the PSU

Can anyone tell me if there could be anything on the board that could be
preventing it from even powering up? like a jumper or something?

FYI the standby LED on the board isnt even lit up when i have the power
cable plugged into the PSU and the power switch on the wall set to on (not
the PC switched on just the power t the PSU)

anyone got any ideas?


Ken Maltby
18 years ago
Post by Christo
My M2N-E won't power on not sure if it is the PSU or the board but suspect
the PSU
Can anyone tell me if there could be anything on the board that could be
preventing it from even powering up? like a jumper or something?
FYI the standby LED on the board isnt even lit up when i have the power
cable plugged into the PSU and the power switch on the wall set to on (not
the PC switched on just the power t the PSU)
anyone got any ideas?
Did you try plugging in another PSU, any known good
PSU would do. (Even that 20 pin PSU in your garage.)

The green light should come on whenever the MB has
power applied, it doesn't need to be turned on/started.
The little green light on the MB runs off the same +5v
that powers the circuits that let the computer know that
a key has been pressed or the mouse moved so it can
turn on the rest of the computer.

If you plug-in a known good PSU and there is no little
green light, the MB is bad. Return it.

18 years ago
thats all i have been looking for thanks, you have confirmed what i thought
yesterday people on NGs seem to want to get more technical than what is
needed for the situation... things like pinouts etc.. and shorting things, i
dont like doing that
Steve Jenkins
18 years ago
Be aware that even if the standby LED is on, the motherboard may not
power up. I had this problem on the M2N-SLI Deluxe. The problem turned
out to be a faulty PSU. Note that this same PSU would work in an older
computer, but not with the M2N-SLI Deluxe. A different brand PSU worked
fine, so the problem was not the motherboard.
18 years ago
If the green motherboard LED won't light, the motherboard
is not going to start. As Ken notes, the LED is directly
connected to +5VSB, the standby voltage delivered by the
power supply. Power supplies can deliver about 2 amps on that
rail, and it doesn't take too much of an overload to kill it.
Either the motherboard is overloading the rail (as in the
motherboard is bad), or the power supply is bad. Returning
both the power supply and the motherboard to your vendor,
for a swap with another of each, may cure the problem.

18 years ago
oirered new botherboard M2N-E and new PSU Antec TruePower II 480w

hopefully this will work this time round, goods should be arriving sometime

Even so any thoughts on anything simple like jumpers or anything would be
appreciated still, as much info as I can get would be appreciated so i know
what the look for and what to do next time it happens to me


Steve Jenkins
18 years ago
Unfortunately I believe the M2N-E is a jumperless board. If it's like
my M2N-SLI Deluxe, the only jumper besides connections on the board are
the CLRTC (for clearing the CMOS), which I assumed you have already tried.